Coffeecup Web Form Builder Rapidshare : Free Programs

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  1. Fundy Album Builder Rapidshare
  2. Free Web Form Builder Software

Since every website and web service needs a fast and simple way of allowing communication with its visitors, web forms have become a common feature. Even though they’re common nowadays, creating and embedding them into your website is still a pretty difficult job, especially if you try to perform it manually, using advanced coding and programming.

CoffeeCup Web Form Builder is a powerful and effective tool that offers a really handy method of quickly and easily creating web forms. It lets you create web forms by adding the needed elements (fields, texts, images, captchas, buttons, etc.) in a simple, direct, visual manner, without requiring any coding. It’s really easy-to-use: just drag the input fields and other elements and watch the form getting shaped up.

Furthermore, this handy utility allows thoroughly customizing the forms to your liking. This means that this tool is suitable for creating a large variety of forms, needed for diverse purposes, such as registration forms, surveys, subscription requests, and so on. This powerful form builder also allows you to choose among different methods of having the data from the filled forms delivered to you. It can send the form data to your e-mail address, add it to a database (MySQL) or even export it to text files. All kinds of additional advanced options are also available.

Fundy Album Builder Rapidshare

Web form builders

Free Web Form Builder Software

To sum it all up, CoffeeCup Web Form Builder is a great tool that lets you easily create web forms even if you have no coding experience.