Overlay Generator
Overlay Generator Overlay Generator 1.0: Plugin Minimum Requirements Software: VT (4/5) or TriCaster (Standard/Pro/ProFX/Studio) OS: Windows Description Overlay Generator is based on our very popular Aura/Mirage Data Overlayer plugin. As its name suggests, it has the capability of generating graphic overlays using live data sources, including: MySQL databases, Text and XML files, RSS internet feeds, etc. Professional overlay generation of live data (date/time, weather, sport, voting, product sales, stock market, etc.) is not only possible. It's simple too - whether you are streaming live to the internet, broadcasting for television, or editing pre-recorded footage. Overlays can be generated with any number of Data Items which retrieve data from built-in or module based Data Sources (Text, Query, Field, Tag, etc.). Each Data Item can display up to 25 values - controlled by a Limit parameter - for example, to extract the top 10 values from a database. The Continue mode allows data to be displayed progressively, for circumstances when you want to display a lot of data a few values at a time.
Since overlays are based on the VT/TriCaster Template/Overlay system. logos and other graphics, font styles (font, color, size, border, glow, shadow, justification, etc), and data positioning are directly supported.
Ultimate CSS Gradient Generator. HTML5 Gradient Generator, CSS3 Gradient Generator, CSS Gradient Maker, CSS Gradient Creator, Linear Gradients. I won't describe The Overlay Maker in detail. Rather, I invite you to download it and try it out. Read the Help file after you have done the installation for.
A live WYSIWYG Preview makes it easy to adjust data to fit with template graphics. Built-in Interval and Hold Timers automate the retrieval and display of data.
Or, Hold can be set to Forever to keep an overlay live all the time - updating data at a defined interval. Other Update modes allow overlays to be updated Manually, or when a data file changes with the File Monitor mode. Data Item pre-processing adds additonal flexibilty, making it possible to add the date, time, or current Switcher input to the overlay or into data queries. This pre-processing is supported by all modules.
If, at any time, you want to change settings without worrying about mistakes being broadcast, you can easily turn off Broadcast mode. Or, you can also change most settings while broadcasting. With Auto mode active, direct control for the Switcher is included to automatically initiate a downstream key over video with fade.
Facebook Overlay Generator
Query based modules, such as MySQL, offer the ability to generate data using complex queries. The included Text and XML modules, in addition to providing support for those specific data formats, are also ideal for accessing data from sources that are not (yet) directly supported. For example, Microsoft SQL Server's Data Transformation Services can be configured to automate output of data to a text file at regular intervals. Modules can also be custom developed by us to support other data sources, such as the serial port. Contact us for more information. See for creating custom templates/overlays for VT and TriCaster Features.
Unlimited Data Items can be used for each overlay. Multiple Data Source modes: Text, or module specific (Query, Field, Tag, etc.). Limit options to extract only the data you want (up to 25 values). For example, the top 10 items from a database of hundreds. Update Modes: File Monitor, Manual, Timers.
Automatic Interval and Hold Timers for overlay displays, or Forever display mode. Automatic DSK activation with fade. Pre-Process Variables: SwitcherMainShortName, Date, Time12, Time24. Supported by all modules. Modules.:.
MySQL (4.1.7+): Standard SQL queries, with remote or local server access. Text: Comma or Tab delimited files. XML: XML files and RSS internet feeds. Broadcast Status keeps you informed of what's going on when. Modules can also be custom developed by us to support other data sources.
Gallery Click on thumbnail images for larger versions.
Brings you a very simple div overlay generator so you can make your own div overlay layouts for myspace. Myspace layouts are known to be pretty limited but now that you can make your own myspace div overlay layouts you can pimp your myspace profile the way you want. Please tell your friends about Div Overlay Layouts.com Premade div overlay layouts for myspace are coming soon! We are gathering and making some great div overlays for you guys so keep checking back and be sure to bookmark divoverlaylayouts. If you happen to design/make div layouts and want to share (with credit and maybe pay) get ahold of us at withoutpeer at gmail.