Nikon D800 Remote Control Software

Update: a new version of the program got released today. Please note that this software doesn't work with RAW (NEF) files (yet). I have been a big fan and supporter of, created based on Nikon's SDK (Software Development Kit). The latest addition is Nikontrol 3K that can be downloaded for free. Hello guys, sorry for not answering you questions faster (time zone): – Being based on WIA, this software should work with any Nikon camera – I found the problem with the executable file after installing, will solve that today. – This software does not harm your camera, we are testing it with D3000 for a few months now and everything it’s ok. It does not affect the camera software, it’s just sending commands as the camera controls does.


Download firmware for Nikon digital products (firmware being the built-in software that controls cameras and other devices). To view descriptions, cautions, and.

Nikon D800 Settings

– I received feedback that the software works on D90. We will try to find some more Nikon cameras for a quick test (also a d3100) @Abe, give it a try, you have nothing to lose (except a few minutes). Thank you all for your feedback, I’ll watch this thread permanently. For any other questions feel free to contact us at. We are very determined to develop this software for as long as we can and we are grateful for all the help we get. A mention on would be great. In a couple of hours we will release a new version, with the installer bug removed and some additional feature(s).

And perhaps I should make the article on my site in English, since I have a lot of requests outside my country. Thank you all so much, you are great! PS: I keep saying “we”. To be clear, by “we” I mean me and my girlfriend (the programmer) 🙂.

Thanks for the fantastic software!! I will give a quick description of my tests and hope that might help some of you. I am only testing on what I need the program to suit my needs so there is a bit of disclaimer here. I want to utilise my spare cameras D40 and or D70 to take time lapse and spare shutter count off my D90. So what I need a program to do is to take set number of images at a certain interval and have the images saved to card.

Nikon camera control software

Remote Camera Control For Nikon

I dont need them transferred to comp as this slows the shooting down as seen in LR3, or camera control Pro which forces transfer to comp rather than save on camera. Interval timers for IR controlled timers are difficult to find if not available at all so. For that, this software is fantastic. Albeit dependent on laptop’s battery life.

Nikon D800 Remote Control

Testing systems: 1) Netbook running windows 7 starter and 2) Laptop running Windows 7 Ultimate 64bit. Both works on all counts of what I have needed on all D40, D70 and D90.Note: The very impt thing I found for D40 and D70 is to SET THE USB CONNECTION TO MTP/PTP mode and NOT USB Mass Storage transfer mode. The D90 doesnt have this mode selection and I believe it goes straight to MTP/PTP mode 😀 Firing up the program, I also find that it is MOST reliable to set to “take picture and save local” mode. 100% working.

If I play with “Just take picture” I had problems with D40 and D70 not so with the D90 though. Time lapse setting has been successful for all 3 bodies.

I have tried times as follows: 21sec/3sec Will take 1st image after 3sec, and miss image at last 3sec so = 6images taken and 9sec/1sec Will take 8 images For intervalometer time lapse stuff, the program will work for both NEF (RAW) and/or Jpeg files. Only if you want it transfer to comp, then you have to set to Jpeg. Cons during transfer: Program will rename and re transfer ALL available jpegs. It will not discriminate those that you have already transferred in earlier. So do take note. Also I have to refresh (Search Device) everytime I reconnect or change a body 😀 Future Hopes: PORT THIS TO ANDROID TABLETs please!!!!!!!!!!!!! So that I can use say a galaxy tab’s USB port to run my camera on the go 😀 Hope this helps 😀 Regards, Eric.