Program At90s2313 With Arduino Uno
AVR is a common, inexpensive type of micro-controller that may seem intimidating to work with, but don't fret! Once you have the tools set up and basic knowledge they can become not only useful, but essential to new project ideas that you dream up! AVR is a micro-controller that can be used to direct the flow of electricity using software. It can be used to toggle devices, control them using Pulse-Width-Modulation, read values from sensors, and process that data to interact with its environment. In addition, the AVR chips are very small. It is the chip that controls the Arduino. For example, the ATMega328 is just under one square centimeter in size, yet contains 23 IO pins.
It also only requires 1.8-5.5V to operate. This can help you shrink down your Arduino projects to create wearable tech or smaller, more elegant robots. AVR chips can be programmed using a variety of hardware from a simple serial cable to a dedicated AVR programmer and development station. While each of these methods has it's own benefits and drawbacks, I will focus on using an Arduino.
Download Program At90s2313 With Arduino. Sends it to the ATMEGA on the Arduino Uno board and finally outputs it through SPI to the target microcontroller.
The Arduino is a large micro-controller prototyping platform. Arduino Uno has its IO pins broken out with headers attached. It is fully contained with all the needed parts to run the on board micro-controller such as a crystal and power supply regulation. It also has its own IDE and programming language that is quite similar to C. Using a program, it can be used to flash new software onto AVR chips. The IDE includes a program called ArduinoISP that is supposed to do just that. Unfortunately, it is very finicky and rarely works with some models of Arduino.
A variant on the program made by Adafruit that works more consistently can be found at If you are using Arduino Uno, then I recommend the latter program as I had much trouble with the official one. Make is used to automate the process of building a program. You can setup a makefile to allow the entire process to be one command, 'make program'.
Using make creates macros to easily run a collection of commands relating to building a project. The first command is the one called by default, so it may be useful to have a help macro first. Help: @echo 'Help details:' @echo 'hex: compile hex file' @echo 'flash: install hex file' @echo 'program: compile hex and install' This always reminds you how you have the program set up instead of needing to look through your code if you forget.
The next part of this makefile is hex. Hex: avr-gcc -Os -DFCPU=8000000 -mmcu=attiny85 -c ledflash.c avr-gcc -DFCPU=8000000 -mmcu=attiny85 -o ledflash.elf ledflash.o avr-objcopy -O ihex ledflash.elf ledflash.hex rm ledflash.o rm ledflash.elf This does the entire process to compile the chip. The process to compile a program for AVR is a bit difficult and long but this portion prevents you from needing to remember every portion of the process.
The most important portions of this compiling process to remember is the -mmcu=attiny85 and the ledflash. These will need to be changed depending on your own project. If you are using a different avr chip, simply change attiny85 to the type that you use. If your file is not called ledflash.c, then change all the instances of ledflash with the file name.
Finally, the DFCPU=8000000 defines the clock speed in the micro-controller. Many items such as delays will not work properly unless you set this to the correct value. If you use a different chip, or modify the speed in any way, please consult the datasheet for your AVR chip. Flash: avrdude -c arduino -p attiny85 -P /dev/tty.usbmodemfd121 -U flash:w:ledflash.hex This installs the program onto the AVR chip. Please pay attention to: -c arduino -p attiny85 -P /dev/tty.usbmodemfd121 This sets the type of pro Attachments.
Today, I made a small 3x3x3 LED cube with an ATtiny2313 that I had from about 2 weeks ago. Whenever I had to reprogram the LED cube when I thought of more awesome patterns, I had to get out my breadboard and then wire up everything again referring to pin-outs of ATtiny2313 and make sure everything is connected right and then finally upload the new code. So I went on to eBay and amazon searching for something to program these chips as I was planning on using these chips a lot in the future. After spending about an hour I just realized I was wasting my time as there was no way I was going to spend about 20-30 dollars on a simple shield. After thinking for a bit, I decided to make a simple and easy to make, ATtiny2313 programming shield, after I made it, all I needed to do to recode any of my attinys' is to just put it in the programming shield and just in a few clicks you have your code uploaded! No need to worry if everything is wired right and make sure there are no short circuits or anything that can short out the chip and fry it or anything else of that sort.
So now in this instructable I will show you how to build one of these shields for yourself! It costs almost nothing and takes only about 30mins or so to make it. So lets get started! Start off by attaching the female headers in the center of the protoboard and then put the male headers in the arduino and then put the protoboard on it so as to get the exact position where to solder the male headers.
Then connect the right pins from the male header onto the female headers according to the pin-out (Female headers are going to be used to attach the ATtiny2313 and male headers are going to be used to attach the shield to the arduino) Then add the 2 LED's and the capacitor and connect them according to the pin-out as well, make sure the capacitor is attached the right way if its a polarized capacitor. Then once everything has been wired up connect it to the arduino and upload a test code to make sure everything works fine (Instructions on how to do this on the next step), then once the testing is done you can add some hot-glue around the solder joints to make sure they are firm and don't make any sort of wrong connections. You could also use some electrical insulating gel/glue.
To program the ATtiny2313 there are 3 main steps; 1)Installing the ATtiny files 2)Setting up Arduino as an ISP 3)Connecting the shield and uploading the code First download this; This download includes the files that need to be installed on the arduino IDE in order to program and use ATtiny boards with the Arduino programming environment. By following the read-me, make sure that all the files are installed properly. As soon as they are installed, then when you go to Tools-Board, you should see a whole lot of new ATtiny options (There are ATtiny2313, ATtiny44, ATtiny84 and some ATtiny85 options). Now once that is done, connect the shield to the arduino and you should see the Heart LED fading at a regular interval. Now once you see the the LED is doing what its supposed to do, then attach the ATtiny2313 to the shield.
Esp8266 Connection With Arduino Uno
Now go into the arduino IDE again and then go to Tools-Programmer and select Arduino as ISP. Then in the Tools-Boards, select the ATtiny2313 1Hz (Factory default sets the clock of the ATtiny2313 to 1Hz) After selecting those 2 options then just open up your code and then hit Upload to upload the code to the ATtiny2313 with the Arduino as an ISP (Simply put, you are programming the ATtiny2313 by using the Arduino to connect it to the computer) Once you are done uploading the code, then make sure you change the 2 options you changed back to the original so that you can upload code to the arduino again after doing this. So now since you can program and use an ATtiny2313, why not try use these for all your future projects instead of Arduino's? They are a lot cheaper than the Arduino (by 22-30 dollars) and they are capable of 18 I/O pins and they work with most of the common Arduino coding environment functions. The size of them is much smaller compared to the arduino as well which is very handy when trying to put things into small enclosures etc. The only drawback of the ATtiny2313 is that some functions are not supported by it, so projects involving them cannot be done and the amount of I/O pins are limited. But on the bright side, for small/simple projects these are great!
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Cool Things To Do Do With Arduino Uno
If you make any projects based on the ATtiny2313 or if you make this programmer, then be sure to upload a picture or a video of it and post a comment below:).