Python Arduino Serial Port Text Communication App

Hi I have been searching the internet for over a week for a solution for this now and hope that someone can offer assistance as it is now severely holding up a number of projects. I have managed to carry out what I need to do with several different languages and platforms but I have hit a road block with Windows and would really appreciate any help on this. What I am trying to do is simply read and write data to and from an Arduino via serial. I cannot use Arduino Remote etc as firmata is conflicting with the libraries I need for the fingerprint sensor and NFC reader.

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  2. Arduino Serial Port Not Found

Interface Python and Arduino With. To determine what serial port your Arduino is connected to look at the. I love the combination of Python and the Arduino. Comm Operator is a professional software for serial port. Python Arduino Serial Port Text Communication On. Python Arduino Serial Port Text Communication Apps.

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In my existing examples it takes only a couple of lines of code to complete this but I have tried multiple C# methods and have hit a road block with all of them. For example in a python application that I completed in a couple of hours I used the following code to simply read the serial: baud = 9600 port = '/dev/ttyACM0' ser = serial.Serial(port, baud) ser.timeout = 0 var message =; I cannot find anywhere a similar way of doing this from a C# universal application and it is driving me nuts that something so simple seems to not be possible.

After searching for almost a week I came across this on SO: using System.IO.Ports; SerialPort port = new SerialPort('COM1', 9600, Parity.None, 8, StopBits.One); port.Open; byte b = port.ReadByte; // etc I nearly had a heartattack:D I thought I had finally found the answer but alas System.IO.Ports does not seem to be supported in Windows 10 Universal Apps. There has to be a simple way to do this, there is no reason I know of why it is not possible and would really appreciate some help with this if anyone can shed any light. Thanks in advance Adam.

Hello AdamMiltonBarker, Please see: The Windows.Devices.SerialCommunication namespace defines Windows Runtime classes that a Windows store app can use to communicate with a device that exposes a serial port or some abstraction of a serial port. Your Windows Store app must include device capabilities in its App package manifest. Please see this UWP sample: With Regards, Krunal Parekh Thanks MSDN Community Support Please remember to Mark as Answer the responses that resolved your issue. It is a common way to recognize those who have helped you, and makes it easier for other visitors to find the resolution later. Hello AdamMiltonBarker, Please see: The Windows.Devices.SerialCommunication namespace defines Windows Runtime classes that a Windows store app can use to communicate with a device that exposes a serial port or some abstraction of a serial port.

Arduino Serial Port Not Found

Your Windows Store app must include device capabilities in its App package manifest. Please see this UWP sample: With Regards, Krunal Parekh Thanks MSDN Community Support Please remember to Mark as Answer the responses that resolved your issue. It is a common way to recognize those who have helped you, and makes it easier for other visitors to find the resolution later.