Now Boarding Game Full Version
Build your own airline. Play Now boarding online for free. Create calm from chaos in a busy airport! Now Boarding: Now Boarding is a. The full version DOES include a pause. Submit your game now and we might release it in homepage.
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Now Boarding is a tycoon-style resource management game where your job is to run an airport, overseeing everything from flight routes, which passengers go on which plane, and even where to put the soda machines! The daunting task of shuttling people across North America has been pared-down to a simple interface that's as easy as matching letters and clicking cities on a map. Now Boarding is remarkably scalable, meaning you can create as complex or simple of an experience as you desire, giving a world of options to those who wish it and nothing more than a simple time management game to those who don't. Well, I bought and have played the AIR (downloadable) version, too, and I was impressed.
It isn't really 'my' type of game - I'm not into clicking repetitively - but this game does a very good job of making me want to. There is certainly more depth in the downloadable version, and more character (as there is more room to see things.) It was a bit of an impulse purchase, and with my short attention span I hope I can make myself come back to it, but I think it was worth the purchase. Forgive my rambling, this state of mind (or lack thereof, of a mind, that is) is apparently what led me to the to purchase the game.
A few things are NEEDED: a windowed mode, a way to turn off sounds/adjust volume, pause feature, and, for the love of god, a SAVE button. Nothing irritates us gamers more than having to stick with a game until the end of a long level or quit the game and lose progress. It's not documented anywhere, but if you hit ESC, the game exits fullscreen mode and runs in a normal window. There's a mute button in the top right when playing the game (it's a little hard to see), but that button is not on the main menu for some reason.
Also, the game says it's saved after each month, and when I exit and come back, I can pick up at that month. There's no way to save in the middle of a month though.
Lastly, the game pauses when any of the management screens are open. During the middle of the month, the only one available is the 'Employees' tab, and if you click on it, the game is paused. It's another undocumented feature that isn't obvious.
Hope that helps! Some strong pros and cons on this game, I have to say. One the one hand, I really like that it progresses from a time-management/tactics game towards a tycoon/strategy game as you play and the problems become more complex. This is something I have. In fact, I'd love to see it go further in that direction. I've now played through career mode and part of Free Play, and I'm wishing for a way to set some planes on automatic routes, so they'd just go on flying some core formations while I fine-tuned the passenger handling on the more unusual routes. (It would be important to be able to take a plane off automatic again if I needed the resource, I think - but even so, that would take the game play up yet a further level as the challenge became designing a set flight pattern that performed with optimum efficiency, and knowing how to tweak it at times of the year when traffic patterns changed.) Cons: there are times when this just doesn't feel ready for prime-time.
As other commenters have noted, it gets really laggy sometimes - including times when I don't understand why because there aren't actually that many customers/destinations in play. Batcave break in. Sometimes it hangs for so long I'm not sure whether it's crashed.
Sometimes I click to move or zoom around the map and it doesn't seem to respond. Stuff like that. Very frustrating. Occasionally there seems to be a bug in the AI, too, as I'll have a plane that's loaded and ready to go but my docking employee doesn't send it. That said, there's some novel stuff going on in the design, and I like the concept. I liked this game so much that I bought it immediately, however there are two bugs that affect gameplay badly: 1) If you quit a Free Play game, then continue it, you are awarded 50000 $, plus the money you already had.
This really put me off the game, as it makes your efforts to earn money by linking more locations pointless 2) Despite (1) I have completed the first two Free Play scenarios, but I can't complete #3. I cannot promote my employees, no matter how many times I click, and all of them have full skills. What am I doing wrong?
I hope this two bugs get sorted out in release 1.1, because they are really show-stoppers. I have become addicted to this game:-) Some points that would make it better. Would be good to be able to use each mode and save the games that are already in play you are in career mode, and want to change to freeplay, you can go back to career mode and continue your previous game. I have version 1.0.3? And once all the employees earn their status etc you only seem to have the option to promote one employee (Madeline?) and none of the others (unless you have to be in freeplay only) but then the game ends and you have to start all over again.
Maybe having an option to actually expand the terminal itself and also once you have conquered all US states we can have International:-) Still, love this game and just can't stop playing it. @Stefan: We had a hiccup with our domain name last night which brought the site down. I think it took our email with it. Everything is back online now, but your cached DNS entries might still be bad, which will prevent the game from activating on your machine until those expire (no later than tomorrow, most likely). Our support email is back up, so you can email us for further assistance if you need it. @Muttley: 1.0.3 is out now with those bug fixes. No need to wait!
Of course, in the amount of time it's been since you posted that question, you've probably already figured that out. =) @Jo: In 1.1, career and free play save their games independently of each other like you want. Others have requested that too. Also, promotion is only in free play. 1.1 makes that process more clear.and it also includes 2 new episodes for the UK and Europe. 1.1 will be released early next week.
Now Boarding Game Episode 1
Check out this blog post on our site for some info on what else is included. I'm confused! All I get, after both short movies and the page with the guy and the bags falling out of the airplane, is a white screen under the 'now boarding' logo that says LOADING. Nothing else! I'm using Google Chrome- is it going to load after hours of waiting or did I do something wrong? There should be a loading bar in the bottom grey portion of the window that fills up and then takes you the main menu. It's working for me on Chrome 14.0.835.202 on Mac OS 10.5.8 and Flash Player
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Now Boarding Game
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