Bug Report Template In Software Testing
- Sample Bug Report Template / Defect Report Template. And other information about the software testing that are easy to understand for testing.
- This document is the software test report of the xxx testing phase of the XXX. Give also statistics about bugs and. Software Tests Report Template!
After you complete your Software Testing, it is good practice to prepare an effective bug report. Fixing a bug depends on how effectively you report it.
Below are some tips to write a good software bug report:. If you are doing manual Software Testing and reporting bugs withour the help of any tool, assign a unique number to each bug report. This will help to identify the bug record. Clearly mention the steps to reproduce the bug. Do not assume or skip any reproducing step. Be Specific and to the point Apart from these tips, below are some good practices:.
Software Problem Report Template
Report the problem immediately. Reproduce the bug atleast one more time before you report it. Test the same bug occurrence on other similar modules of the application. Read bug report before you submit it or send it. Never ever criticize any developer or attack any individual Also see, related posts:. Advertisement.
What is the Test Report? Test Report is a document which contains.
A summary of test activities and final test results. An assessment of how well theis performed Based on the test report, the stakeholders can. Evaluate the quality of the tested product. Make a decision on the software release. For example, if the test report informs that there’re many defects remaining in the product, the stakeholder can delay the release until all the defects are fixed. Test Report Example Why Test Report? The following scenario will show you why we do need the Test Report Earlier, when the boss asked you about whether the website Guru99 Bank can release, You answered him The boss trusted you and decided to release this website to the customer at the end of the month.
But 2 months post- release, you got the feedback from the client. Do you know the root cause of this problem? Why does the website still has defects even when your Team has already tested it?
In continuation to my previous post, here in this post, I'm explaining a simple and effective software bug report. If you are using any Software Testing Management tool or any Bug reporting tool like Bugzilla or Test Director or Bughost or any other online bug tracking tool, then; the tool will automatically generate the bug report.
The problem is you ignored the reporting & evaluation phase in Test Management. The boss has no information to evaluate the quality of this website. They just trusted what you said and released the website without knowing its testing performance. The typical benefits of a test report include. How to make a good Test Report?
To answer this, you must know - What does a test report contain? Project Information All information of the project such as the project name, product name, and version should be described in the test report. For example, the information of Guru99Bank project will be as follows Test Objective As mentioned in tutorial, Test Report should include the objective of each round of testing, such as Unit Test, Performance Test, System Test Etc.
Test Summary This section includes the summary of testing activity in general. Information detailed here includes. The number of test cases executed. The numbers of test cases pass. The numbers of test cases fail. Pass percentage. Fail percentage.
Comments This information should be displayed visually by using color indicator, graph, and highlighted table. Defect One of the most important information in Test Report is defect. The report should contain following information. Total number of bugs. Status of bugs (open, closed, responding). Number of bugs open, resolved, closed.
Breakdown by severity and priority Like test summary, you can include some simple metrics likedensity,% of fixed defects. The project team sent you the Defect information as following.
Defect density is 20 defects/1000 lines of code average. 90% defects fixed in total. The detail of the bugs are described in this Defect tracker You can represent the data as following graph. Tips to write a good test report Test report is a communication tool between the Test Manager and the stakeholder. Through the test report, the stakeholder can understand the project situation, the quality of product and other things. The following scenario shows you why we need a good Test Report You co-operate with outsourcing company, its tester after having performed of the website Guru99 Bank, sends you a test report like this The information of that report is too abstract. It does not have any detailed information.
The stakeholder who will read it might be slightly puzzled when they get it. They might ask or have following sets of questions: -. Why did they not execute 30 TCs that remains. What are these failed Test Cases. Doesn't have any bugs description To solve that problem, a good Test Report should be:. Detail: You should provide a detailed description of the testing activity, show which testing you have performed. Do not put the abstract information into the report, because the reader will not understand what you said.
Clear: All information in the test report should be short and clearly understandable. Standard: The Test Report should follow the standard template.
Starcraft 2 offline patch. It is easy for stakeholder to review and ensure the consistency between test reports in many projects. Specific: Do not write an essay about the project activity.
Describe and summarize the test result specification and focus on the main point. For example, to correct the above Test Report, the tester should provide more information such as:. Project information. Test cycle: (System Test, Integration Test.etc.).
Bug Templates
Which functions have already tested (% TCs executed,% TCs passed or fail). Defect report (Defect description, Priority or status.).