Install Blackberry Rim Software

BlackBerry Desktop Manager is the company's official Windows PC program for managing your Blackberry device. It's a huge, slow program that lags and crashes often. Much like the gadgets it controls, this software feels like it's far behind the times.Worst of all, it has trouble even recognizing the few current BlackBerry models that are still hanging around the market. It looks like in Research In Motion's rush to prepare for the upcoming BB 10, this software has lost much of what made it work. To its credit, the layout of BlackBerry Desktop Manager seems easy to figure out. Finding the things you want only takes a second and the software tries to walk you through the process.

  1. Rim Software
  2. Blackberry Rim 7290

Silent install for BlackBerry Desktop Software © 2002 Research In Motion Limited Page 1 of 4. Research In Motion (RIM) is constantly developing and testing new software and applications for your BlackBerry. Keeping up to date with the newest operating system.

Rim Software

Sadly, actually making those features work seems to be another story. BlackBerry Desktop Manager will lose connection to your gadget midtransfer, which can mess up your files or backup, causing you to start over. File transfers go for minutes on end without a status update, which makes you think the program crashed.

Install Blackberry Rim SoftwareBlackberry rim desktop softwareBlackberry

Blackberry Rim 7290

Somehow, that's more frustrating than when the program actually crashes - which is more often than it should. BlackBerry Desktop Manager offers a clean, beautiful interface, which is the only plus we can give to this software at this time.

It's sleek, intuitive and helpful - the exact opposite of BlackBerry Desktop Manager itself. However, it often crashes, and if you're a fan of BlackBerry, you're better off trying to drag and drop your files and media to your gadget than deal with this program.