Group Dynamics Teams Levi 3rd Edition

About the Author: Daniel Levi is a professor in the Psychology and Child Development Department at Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo, California. He has an MA and a PhD in environmental psychology from the University of Arizona.

  1. Group Dynamics For Teams Levi

Group Dynamics For Teams Levi


Get this from a library! Group dynamics for teams. [Daniel Levi, (Psychologist)] -- 'This clear and engaging book explains the basic psychologcal concepts of group. Group Dynamics for Teams 5th Edition. Group Dynamics for Teams by Daniel J. Levi Paperback. If you are looking to work in a team atmosphere in the future.

He teaches classes in teamwork and in environmental and organizational psychology. His teamwork class was designed primarily for engineering and business students at Cal Poly.

He has conducted research and worked as a consultant with factory and engineering teams for companies such as Nortel Networks, TRW, Hewlett-Packard, and Philips Electronics. In addition, he has worked on international team research projects in Europe and Asia. Levi’s research and consulting with factory teams primarily has focused on the use of teams to support technological change and the adoption of just-in-time and quality programs. This work examined a variety of team issues, including job redesign, training, compensation, supervision, and change management approaches. His work with professional teams primarily has been done with engineering design teams. These projects examined the use of concurrent engineering, self-management, and the globalization of teams. The topics of this work included the impact of information technology on teams, facilitation and training needs for professional teams, and the impacts of organizational culture and leadership.

Early work on the present book was sponsored by an engineering education grant from NASA. This project focused on the development of teamwork skills in engineering students working on multidisciplinary projects.

This project led to the development of cases and activities for learning teamwork skills and research on teamwork training and evaluating and rewarding student teams. Recent research on student teams examines gender and cross-cultural issues, social support within teams, and bullying and hijacking in student teams. Review: 'Levi has managed to bridge the divide between theory, intrinsic and a hallmark to the first way to the empirical evidence presented by the second to come to a mpre practical conclusion.' -THE FINANCIAL EXPRESS-The Financial Express 'About this title' may belong to another edition of this title.


NEW TO THIS EDITION:. The relationship of positive psychology to teamwork focuses on motivating and encouraging individual growth to contribute to overall team development. New coverage in Chapter 6 written by David Askay on the communication problems that teams encounter (such as poor processing of information, dysfunctional decision making, and gender biases) includes practical solutions to these problems. Expanded discussion of the impact of diversity on teamwork includes multiculturalism, gender, age, and international culture, with examples of diversity issues and how to manage them woven throughout the book. Increased coverage of technology issues includes the importance of developing technology use norms, the impact of technology on the communication process, managing conflicts that occur through communications technology, and the interaction of technology and culture in transnational teams.

A revised conflict chapter demonstrates the positive benefits of conflict when it is appropriately managed through a safe team environment that encourages constructive controversy. A new focus on team creativity demonstrates the role of feedback and constructive controversy in inspiring creativity as an ongoing process. KEY FEATURES:. Practical coverage of basic group dynamics concepts, including goals, norms, cooperation, and communication, gives readers the understanding they need to work effectively in teams. An emphasis on the main challenges that teams face, such as conflict, decision making, problem solving, creativity, and valuing diversity, prepares students to be more effective team members and leaders. Easy-to-understand coverage of the organizational context of teams includes insightful discussions of the impact of organizational culture, virtual teamwork, rewarding teams, and team building.

Case studies with discussion questions provide a realistic look at how teams function in the everyday world. Student learning aids include chapter-ending activities for application of concepts; surveys with discussion questions that personalize the learning experience; and point-by-point summaries that are ideal for review. A useful appendix contains tools and advice to help students work successfully on team projects.