Hp D530 Microcode Update Software

D530 bios error update microcode - HP Compaq d530 CMT PC Desktop question.


Hi everyone, Just got this HP motherboard and its working fine but the BIOS post screen comes up with this error on every start up and you have to press F1 to continue every time; '1801-Microcode update error. Missing or invalid processor microcode update. Please contact Hewlett-Packard company for a new microcode update to support the new processor stepping.' (The processor fitted is not the original one but the system still works fine once you continue on from the post screen) I now have flashed the bios to version 2.44 and downloaded the microcode update. The problem is that the microcode updater (see the following images) asks for a destination disk to drive A:, But I have no drive A:, im assuming they want me to buy a floppy disk drive but i would like to get around buying one especially since im not even sure if this will fix the problem.

Any ideas on how to get around this? Ive been searching on the net all day but cant find anything, heres the drivers page if its any help. Search this Thread Similar Threads Thread Thread Starter Forum Replies Last Post I am kind of confused on this Rootkit thing.

I tried the best i can. I thought that my computer had a problem with shutting down, system restore wizard and some services.

I tried to do this scan to delete all rootkits. Now im not sure what to do. More information in my other threads. FANTASTICAL Resolved HJT Threads 50 05:53 AM I'm a real computer noob I don't know exactly what's going on but ill try to describe it, mostly I'm concerned about a keylogger though.

Hp D530 Sff

The other problems are every now and then on Google I'll click a link and I'll get sent to some random website, sometimes outta nowhere a new tab will open up to. Soboman Virus/Trojan/Spyware Help 13 03:20 PM I am convinced that I have spyware/malware or something going on with my computer. I have ran several programs - malwarebytes, windows defender, and windows malicious software removal tools that say the computer is not infected.

Google brick breaker trick. However, I am still having problems and some strange things have. Ladysmith94 Resolved HJT Threads 31 07:24 AM I clicked on a photo yesterday on a google search results screen when a notice popped up saying that there was a potential virus, initially I thought it was a waring from my Verizon Security Suite, so I clicked on Quarenteen.in hind sight, I think this warning was somthing different. Scotlb Resolved HJT Threads 14 08:47 PM Hello, I'm new to the forum and my problem is that I'm being redirected to unwanted sites like Tazinga or Binkx. I'm running Windows XP and my laptop is about 7 years old. Any help would be great! Here are the Hijack specc UNLESS SPECIFICALLY INSTRUCTED, DO NOT POST THIS LOG. IF REQUESTED.

1801 Microcode Update Error

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