Blitz Sonic Yoyo Games

Dec 16, 2011 Blitz Sonic S2 • E25 Blitz Sonic - Ultra Blitz Sonic Advanced - Green Valley V2 Playthrough + UBSA HUB Freeroam - Duration: 8:19. ZerkerXror 6,336.

So, I noticed that for whatever reason the SSK Demo 5.1 download vanished from the website. I don't know how and I'm sorry that I didn't notice it until very recently. As a result I decided to use the time to give Demo 5.1 a bug-fix.

Over 3 years after the first patch. So now we have: DEMO 5.2! Now available to download! Click the Latest Demo link! This is a bug-fix build only, so there is no new content. The major bug I managed to fix is game breaking that kills Nonstop Mode. Several character's attacks and Chaos Attacks have also been fixed up, and you can see the folder's README for more details.

If there are any issues with Demo 5.2, you can comment here or on the where I'm more likely to notice quickly! To celebrate another anniversary for our favourite Blue Blur, check out these brand new characters artworks that will feature in the next build onward! These aren't the only ones either! I've redone the art for all the existing characters and I'll post them up soon. In the mean time I thought you'd be happy to hear that I've finally finished fixing all the bugs and outdated parts of the previous demo, so from here on out I can start working on brand new stuff! I also fixed the RSS feed for the website, so between here and Facebook, you'll get SSK news as it happens!

It was high time I made it clear what was happening with this project since I last officially said anything. People have been asking, and it was wrong of me to put it off for this long: THE GOOD NEWS: The game has not been cancelled, and when I have time I am working on it. I just don't have nearly as much time for SSK as I did when I was younger. In that respect, the current build of the game I have is almost devoid of bugs, and the native gamepad support is functional. The game is also now using as its sound engine instead of SuperSound. THE BAD NEWS: There were 2 things I spent alot of time trying to make work for SSK, and it was these two things stopping me from doing anything else. The first was 4-player VS battles, but this ended up being a task that could not be done without rewritting almost every part of the game.



The second was to port SSK into the new Game Maker Studio engine. Due to the underlying differences between GM8.1 and Studio, the game ended up with bugs that I could not fix without, once again, rewritting almost everything.

While the engine change would have made it easier to release SSK as a multi-platform title, it just wasn't worth the time I spent trying to fix it. SO WHAT NOW?: While progress is still slow (due to other projects), I am putting things in bit by bit. I still don't know when the next build will come out, but you will be told as soon as possible. For all you guys who keep checking here or on Facebook waiting for news. Thanks for your patience. After 16 months since the last blog had to be taken down, I managed to get it working again.

Super Sonic Yoyo

And amazingly, that is not all that's going on over here. While I have less free time than I used to, my university course is now over, leaving me with genuine free time for the first time in years.

90,689 (4 Today)

This means I'm pressing the GO button on some personal work, and SSK is one of them. Straight back into the game, and there is one thing I must fix in the game before moving on to the next playable release: 4 player multiplayer with native game-pad support. I am glad to say that this is now possible and it will feature in the next release. In turn, this means I need to fix the menu up a bit, so it's the perfect opportunity to fix what I feel is a fairly inconsistent User Interface. How about something more like this?